SVENSTREAMS S3_ALPHA 16 | ARTSTREAM (hangin out solo)
Sven solo stream | Butch Killigan 2 prelaunch trailer | Billy Kristol is a touchy jewish jazz man | Razorfist is a cringe cuckservative: watching rageaholic video where he claims China is responcible for ESG. | Sven talks about behind the scenes Butch Killigan production and story writing| Ethan van Sciver praises Butch Killigan, calling it GENIUS | Liz joins at the halfway mark! | We go over Razorfists LOOK and try to figure out his eyeshadow mascara in a video where he takes his shades off to cry for Ukraine | We end by watching some Plague of gripes and introduce youtuber A German Spy ( its peak cringe) | this and much more!